Hackathon x Mentors
During NoBla!Bla hackathon, participants will team up. Each team will be assigned a specific marketing objective and challenged to develop an innovative marketing strategy.
Expectation from mentors
Mentors are expected to provide guidance and advice, share knowledge and experience with the participants and encourage discussion. They will support participants to come up with the best possible strategies.

Your Role
We believe that you will play a huge part in the success of our hackathon.
Your main roles as a mentor will include:
To help to brainstorm ideas on the challenge and the solution
To give advice on the topic that mentor is qualified or skilled at
To help teams prepare the pitch
Never mentored before? Don’t worry! You will get support and training from us.
Your Input


of mentoring sessions
Our Community
We believe that you will play a huge part in the success of our hackathon.